"Eating (The Third Wall)" - Toilet Wall Graffito, UQ Student Union, LC 1994
I worked at the University of Queensland Student Union from 1991 to 1995 and in that time I went to the toilet many times. Information like that would normally be filed under "things you don't need to know" and this case is no different except that I needed to explain why I was in those toilets everyday day, and that's also fairly obvious, so I'll start again...
The old UQ Student Union male toilet cubicles used to be covered with so much bigoted homophobic racist immature and uncreative graffiti that i came to loathe going in there and subjecting myself to it everyday. So I decided to do a bit of graffiti of my own and create virtual themed cubicle worlds, a different theme in each cubicle. And above the urinal, paintings of faces of men looking secretly across and down to check out the size of other men's willies. And in the spot above the sink where the mirror used to be, a painting of someone checking himself out in the painted mirror. Etcetera.
I haven't been back to UQ for years but I'm pretty sure the building that these paintings were in has been demolished and replaced, so the only place my graffiti cubicles now exist is in my photographic records and in the memory all those who pooed and weed in them.
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