Easter/Christmas - LC 1992
DAY 12 - Easter Friday
Christianity isn't that popular in Japan but the art and ceromony of giving gifts is popular, which apparently makes Christmas worth getting into over there, not for any religious reason but just because it's an excuse to give gifts. I haven't been there but I read once that the department stores are well into the commercial possibilities, and once in an in-store display they got the Christian culture a bit mixed up and crucified Santa instead of Jesus. Maybe it's folklore but the story I read said that this actually happened. If anyone knows, let me know. I was so fascinated by it at the time that I started drawing all sorts of things up on crosses. In a mural I painted once, I crucified the Easter Bunny. I thought it was all pretty funny until "The Passion of Christ " came out and I realised how lucky I am that Mel Gibson has never seen any of my crucifixion drawings. He'd probably come round and beat me up.
If you hesitate… it will be lost to you
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