WinGoalFeast - Drawing on Newspaper - LC 1999
Delta Alpha Yankee Tango Whiskey Oscar - (Day Two)
My second day as an artist was invigorating and relaxing, almost erotic; like swinging on a spiritual rainforest vine melding itself to my shape as we swung through the day. I haven't actually got any work done as yet but the night is young. And when I say work, of course I mean... aRT, with a capital A. Not getting anything done all day does sound a bit like procrastination i know, but I was thinking about things, which also sounds like procrastination, although, as I've already made clear, the night has only just begun and the midnight hours have an enticing red light in the window...
This drawing, WinGoalFeast, is a part of a series of Drawings on Newspaper presently under way and which will one day, soon, become my first as yet unorganised exhibition. I go now to work on number 11 in the series, which is the lemon tree in my back yard.
I am guided by my own power doubled.
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